SURE-Umfrage startet | Lancement du sondage SURE | Inizio del sondaggio SURE | SURE survey begins
Die SURE-Umfrage hat begonnen – wir zählen auf Ihre Teilnahme! Sie können die Umfrage über diesen Link erreichen:, anschliessend können Sie Ihren Code eingeben, um die Umfrage zu starten. Bei Fragen zur Umfrage können Sie sich gerne über oder unter 043 505 10 99 bei uns melden. Sollten Sie Probleme haben mit dem online-Spiel empfehlen wir […]
Communicating internally and externally
This article is a repost from Energeia Plus, published on 24/09/2024. All rights belong to the original publisher. Over 100 researchers and representatives from business and government met in Bern on September 4, 2024 for the third SWEET conference. The focus was on exchange and communication – within the research community, but also between the […]
Workshop in SURE with the Stakeholder forum
The SWEET-SURE project actively exchanges and engages with major Swiss stakeholders such as cities, cantons, authorities, industry, and NGOs (Stakeholder Forum). As part of this collaboration, we will conduct a workshop on November 5, 2024. The goal is to measure and analyze your preferences and priorities on a comprehensive list of sustainability and resilience indicators related to the future of the […]
Workshop & Seminar “Unpacking the High-Tech Dilemma: Balancing Innovation, Environment, and Global Equality”
Join us for an engaging and thought-provoking evening as we explore the intersection of technology, environment, and global equality. 16:30 – 17:45Workshop: “Musical Chairs as Commons: The Resource Challenge”Evgenia Tsianou, Science Communicator at Paul Scherrer Institut & Founder DISSCOA workshop to playfully experience the concepts of commons and natural resources. We play the famous game […]
Find the differences in the pictures to the energy system of the future
How can Switzerland become climate neutral? SURE provides answers with an elaborate computer. We are using it to investigate how Switzerland’s energy supply can be transformed. Explore the different scenarios by finding differences on the two pictures. 2050:climate neutral with energy from Switzerland From today to climate neutrality in 2050 2050: Climate […]
How to assess the sustainability and resilience of the Swiss energy transition?
Workshop on 07.10.22 in Zurich Stakeholder Forum Friday 7th October 2022 in the premises of ETH in Zurich (CLA J1 building), from 9:30 to 15:30. Registration is open, reserve your spot here. Engaging with major stakeholders of the Swiss energy sector is an integral element of SWEET-SURE. This has been demonstrated by the excellent input we got […]
Stakeholder Forum – 07 Oct 2022
How to assess sustainability and resilience in the Swiss energy sector? Friday 7th October 09:30-15:30, ETH Zürich The second SURE Stakeholder workshop will take place. At this event the SURE team will exchange with the Stakeholder forum on indicators on how to assess sustainability and resilience in the Swiss energy sector. Save the date and […]
Save the Date
On 7 April 2022, the first SURE Stakeholder workshop will take place. At this event, the SURE scenario team will exchange with stakeholders from the energy sector of Switzerland on future energy transformation pathways for Switzerland and possible disruptive events, which may impact the energy sector in future.
Development of PSI’s energy system model with focus on industry
SURE employs a comprehensive energy modelling framework, and in this regard, model development is essential to answer the project’s research questions. A milestone on the development of PSI’s Swiss TIMES Energy system Model (STEM) has been reached and published by Michel Obrist who enhanced the model for a specific industry sector. Insights on the advanced […]
The SURE Gaming approach gets attraction of Swiss Media
In SURE, we aim to gain new insights on energy consumers’ behaviour under disruptive events. Therefore, a game-based approach will be developed. The game will simulate major elements of the future energy system using insights from comprehensive energy modelling and the gamers’ creativity. Rolf Krause and Tom Kober on this topic in 20 Minuten: Zockend […]
Interview: SURE coordinator Tom Kober
Interview: SURE coordinator Tom Kober, head of the Energy Economics group in the Laboratory for Energy System Analysis at PSI, explains in Energeia Plus how the consortium is proceeding and what goals it is pursuing. Read the interview here: Sicher in die Energiezukunft – SURE rückt Versorgungssicherheit ins Zentrum