The SURE Stakeholder Forum is an inclusive body of the project, which represents major actors that shape the Swiss energy transition. The involved stakeholders support the process of scenario formulation and the selection of key assessment indicators. They also engage in the evaluation of future transition pathways regarding their sustainability and resilience performance.

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our Cooperation partners

Avenergy Suisse
Azienda Elettrica Ticinese (AET)
Basel Agency for Sustainable Energy (BASE)
City of Zürich
Gaznat SA
Industrielle Werke Basel (IWB)
Ticino Cantonal Office of Energy
Ticino Cantonal Office or Air, Climate and Renewable Energies
Ticino Parliamentary Commission on Environment, Land, Planning and Energy
Ticino Energia
Verband der Schweizer Gasindustrie (VSG)
Verband Schweizerischer Elektrizitätsunternehmen (VSE)
World Energy Council Switzerland